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Comprehensive coatings inspection is by far the best money spent on a blast and paint project.  NACE (National Association of Corrosion Engineers) clearly defines our biggest cause of coating failure to be, surface preparation and surface cleanliness. In fact up to 80% of coating failures are due to both of these reasons.  Why wouldn't we have eyes and instruments on site ensuring proper preparation and application. For example:  Working with a elevated tank size of 250,000 gallons 100' tall, blasting both interior and exterior of the tank we would have approximately 7,000 sq. ft. of surface on the interior costing close to .75 per sq. ft. for coating material and 13,000 sq. ft. of surface on the exterior costing close to 1.50 per sq. ft. using a higher grade ultra violet protection and gloss retention product.  Both combined costing just under 25,000 dollars.  This does not include any labor, engineering, bid fees, environmental impact planning or all the other costs that come with this type of high profile project.  We also know that construction never gets cheaper and time spent to do it over is just unthinkable.  Comprehensive inspection if done correctly using either full time or selected hold point inspections for crucial surface preparation and application periods is imperative.  Why? because we trust NACE, our governing body nationally and internationally who tells us, it's important.  We know that with pro active on site inspections we see a better result of longevity with coating systems lasting there full life cycle potential. We have proper documentation, if in fact we do have a failure it helps us to find and recognize what caused it and who is responsible if it ends up in litigation.  Let us help your pro active steps that lead to successful coating projects.  My reputation is on the line, your expectation is already mine !!!  If we mix science in coatings with integrity, the reflection will mirror quality.  QC by Zeke's soul purpose is to protect you as the tank owner.

Thanks, Shane A. Zoccole

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